Class RequestCodeManager


public class RequestCodeManager extends Object
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static RequestCodeManager getInstance()
    • setForbiddenCode

      public void setForbiddenCode(int code, boolean isForbidden)
      If third-party libraries use permissions/request codes that you don't want the Fuse framework to become confused with, you can forbid the codes they use so that this manager won't ever return them.
      code - the forbidden (or not forbidden) code to modify.
      isForbidden - If true, set the forbidden code, if false, remove it.
    • getRequestCode

      public int getRequestCode()
      Returns a request code, skipping over any configured forbidden codes. The request code starts at 0 and increments on every call. If a forbidden code is encountered, it will be incremented again. The code is mostly unique, in the sense that it will roll back to MIN_VALUE once you reach MAX_VALUE.
    • reset

      @VisibleForTesting public void reset()
    • setNextRequestCode

      @VisibleForTesting public void setNextRequestCode(int code)